04 November 2009

Extra Credit: Scene Not Heard

Bitches Scene & Women Unseen: Hip Hop and Gender in the the 21st Century

Scene Not Heard

This is a well done documentary about the role of gender in hip hop and rap in Philadelphia. It explored the careers and lives of women who have made a difference in the seemingly underground world of female rappers. The talent these women have goes sadly unnoticed by mainstream, commercialized rap and hip hop. Break-dancers, R&B singers, rap, poetry/spoken word were all showcased in a very real and relate-able way. One lady rapper even became emotional when talking about the lack of respect and "props" they were given. A lot of stigmas are involved in this very male-dominate scene. Most of the time, when the general public sees a female in a rap video, she is booty-dancing in thongs and 5 inch-high heels. This is reminiscent of a lot of female stereotypes that emphasize a woman's role is to be seen and not heard. Also, there is the common stereotype that if a female can rap like a man, she must be a dyke, and this is simply untrue. The two have nothing to do with one another, really. From the information presented, most of the "Philly" artists agreed that "Philly is soul." I took this to mean they connect to one another on an intimate level, one not usually attained by an outsider; perhaps the bond of common experiences and lifestyles.

Scene Not Heard argued that the roles of women in the rap scene are sadly out of focus, and that they are just as capable of talent as any man. While it may not be very common to see a female rapper in the forefront these days, it is not obscene. Arguments mostly were focused on appealing to the audience's emotions (pathos), I believe, but still implemented logos by demonstrating the equality in raw and uninhibited talent. I'll give it to these women, I could never do what they do. The amount of courage and yet, at the same time, vulnerability it takes is admirable to say the least.

I was impressed overall, and enjoyed myself. I did not, however, stay for the discussion board after. My stomach was growling since I was in class all day and didn't get a chance to eat yet, not that this is an excuse.

Image source: here